The Music-Hall Star

Holger-Madsen, 1918, 0 min
MOST WANTED | 'The Music-Hall Star' is one of the films for which Carl Th Dreyer wrote the script before he became a director. It is also the only title to feature the combination of Dreyer, who was to become Danish film’s greatest auteur, and Valdemar Psilander, the biggest star of Danish silent film.

The life of the young clerk Karl Fribert is right on track. He holds a trusted position in a reputable bank and is secretly engaged to the lovely Miss Gudrun, who works at the same place. But then something happens to wreck the young man’s life: he falls head over heels in love with the theatre prima donna Lydia – a woman who puts wealth above true love. The lives and happiness of three human beings are affected by the disastrous consequences.

Film researcher Casper Tybjerg has written an excellent article in which he, based on the preserved stills, poster, scripts, shooting scripts and other material offers his take on what 'The Music-Hall Star' might have been like. Curious? Read the article via link below.

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