Pangs of Conscience

Olaf Fønss, 1920, 0 min
MOST WANTED | The film is a Fønss extravaganza: it is written, directed and performed by Olaf Fønss. In fact, he is the only member of the cast.

A young man who has enjoyed great financial prosperity during the war suddenly goes bankrupt and ends up on the brink of poverty. In his despair, he seeks out the woman who swore to love to him hundreds of times while he was still rich. Her icy rejection brings out a devilish thirst for revenge in the broken man.

Berlingske Tidende reports on a somewhat chaotic premiere, where Fønss, who was present, gets to his feet several times to complain about the finished film: according to him, its most important scenes have been cut. The lights go on repeatedly, and Fønss cries out his protest to the reviewers as they are leaving the cinema. The Berlingske Tidende reporter concurs with Fønss’s complaint, stating that: "When a film’s cast features only a man and a woman’s arm, you can ill afford to leave out the woman’s arm". You can browse the film’s programme and photographs below.

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