From Siberia to Moscow

Peter Elfelt, 1905, 2 min
'From Siberia to Moscow' (1876) was August Bournonville’s last long ballet. It was inspired by an 1874 trip to Russia, where Bournonville met Marius Petipa and saw several of his ballets. The music was composed by Carl Christian Møller. The smart prances of the Jockey Dance are here performed by Gustav Uhlendorff (1875-1962), dancer and later master of the Danish Royal Ballet in the 1920s, and dancer Richard Jensen (1883-1935), who acted in a number of Danish silent films in the early 1910s.

Royal court photographer Peter Elfelt (1866-1931) was Denmark's first filmmaker. He made his first recording in early 1897, the one-minute reel 'Driving With Greenland Dogs', and the following ten years he documented every important national event as well as daily life in Denmark. He also made commercial shorts and the first Danish fiction film, The Execution (1903).


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